Society of Higher Education & Industrial Research


SHEIR's aim to cultivate future scientists by enhancing


SHEIR helping people to get recognized their work


SHEIR's educational tools for instructors and learners
Research & Development

As one of the leading provider of Scientific and Industrial recognition, Society of Higher Education and Industrial Research (SHEIR) has been connecting scientific professionals with business around the world. Our International reach allows us to meet our client requirements and provide global recognition.

SHEIR-Industry Partnership is a program helping industry to improve their business environment productivity and competitiveness through the better use of knowledge, technology and skills in partnership with academics. SHEIR-Industry Partnership is one of the world's leading knowledge transfer mechanisms, which provide academics with the unique opportunity to apply research to real world business projects.

SHEIR is assisting academics and student in their research projects in alignment with industry. SHEIR scientist are also involves in co-supervision of research students in their thesis requirements. We also help students in getting their work published in high impact scientific journals.

Do you have challenge?

Our expertise in assisting ranging from raw material to end products. Our experienced Engineers and Scientists will help you with professional services and customise solutions.

SHEIR is specialized in:

- Coatings
- Solar cell
- Health and safety
- Process and Manufacturing Industry
- Polymer
- Catalytic conversion
- Green process sciences
- Process optimization
- Additive and Chemical industry
- Plastic and Material technology
- Pharmaceutical Science

We actively work independently to secure financing of your development projects.

Do you have a challenge?
Developing good products and solutions requires investment of capital. Our team is ready to support you with ideas and partial financing and resources.

Contact us if you have questions to how we can support you.

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