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GAT Vocabulary

GAT Vocabulary Sample Questions

    Choose the word that is most nearly opposite to word in capital letters

    1. pragmatic
    2. polite
    3. misty
    4. stubborn
    5. demise

    1. malevolent
    2. benevolent
    3. banned
    4. embargo
    5. neophyte

    Choose the pair of words that best expresses a relationship similar to that expressed in the pairs of words in capital

    1. later : precede
    2. urbane : naive
    3. evasive : wordy
    4. feeble : worker
    5. disavow : confront

    1. classroom : school
    2. student : teacher
    3. brook : building
    4. chary : cautious
    5. transport : transfer

    Choose the word(s) that best fits the meaning of the sentence

  5. Unfortunately, in our country mostly politicians are ___________ .
    1. vivacious
    2. avaricious
    3. malicious
    4. capricious
    5. specious

  6. Government must take firm actions to _________ poverty.
    1. obstinate
    2. irritate
    3. insulate
    4. instigate
    5. mitigate

  7. In the Middle Ages, returning prisoners in exchange for money became common instead of putting to death. Though the act was humane, the primary reasons behind it were __________ rather than __________ .

    1. humanitarian, economic
    2. economic, humanitarian
    3. customs, humanitarian
    4. customs, economic
    5. customs, promise

  8. The principal asked teachers to discover and __________ each student's __________ talents.

    1. suppress, unrecognized
    2. develop, intrinsic
    3. redirect, specious
    4. belittle, dormant
    5. justify, gratuitous

    Complete the summary with suitable words

    Polls can be used in different ways. Candidates for public office use them to (9)__________ their chances of winning and help them decide whether to run. Once this decision is made, polls provide information that helps candidates (10)__________ limited campaign resources to those groups in the population that support them or might be (11)__________ to do so. Candidates also use polls to help determine which issues they need to (12)__________ and which they should ignore. Candidates will sometimes commission private polls and leak favorable results to the press to try to (13)__________ opinion.

    1. access
    2. excess
    3. assess
    4. information
    5. know

    1. direct
    2. use
    3. think
    4. advance
    5. get

    1. made
    2. obtained
    3. moved
    4. rectified
    5. persuaded

    1. embezzled
    2. emphasize
    3. eminent
    4. egoist
    5. None of these

    1. patronage
    2. extrapolate
    3. alienate
    4. manipulate
    5. enervate


  1. C
  2. B
  3. A
  4. A
  5. B
  6. E
  7. B
  8. B
  9. C
  10. A
  11. E
  12. B
  13. D